
Alla inlägg den 1 december 2012

Av Ronja Olsson - 1 december 2012 23:30

quantumsatis:House Rules #10Now for this one I feel the need to make a disclaimer. The bruises mentioned above are consensual, kinky, mutually desired sex bruises. If you are being abused at home or elsewhere seek help and talk to a friend. Now.My sentiments exactly!^^

Av Ronja Olsson - 1 december 2012 21:41

Boxing is a contest of character and ingenuity. The boxer with more will, determination, desire, and intelligence is always the one who comes out the victor.”

“Boxing is a sport of self-control. You must understand fear so you can manipulate it. Fear is like fire. You can make it work for you: it can warm you in the winter, cook your food when you’re hungry, give you light when you are in the dark, and produce energy. Let it go out of control and it can hurt you, even kill you….Fear is a friend of exceptional people.”

“If you can hit your opponent with two punches, you don’t hit him with one. Get off with some bad intentions in there. Believe in yourself. A guy can feel it if you don’t believe in yourself. Set your mind to make yourself do it.”

“When you get hit that’s when you’ve got to be calm. A professional fighter has to learn how to hit and not get hit, and at the same time be exciting. That’s what professional boxing is about. You’ve got to be clever, you’ve got to be smart, and not get hit, and when you’re able to do this, you’re a fighter.”

“There is no such thing as a natural puncher. There is a natural aptitude for punching and that is different. Nobody is born the best. You have to practice and train to become the best.”

"Boxing is entertainment, so to be successful a fighter must not only win but he must win in an exciting manner. He must throw punches with bad intentions.”


Av Ronja Olsson - 1 december 2012 21:33

Nu har jag njutit till fullo av lördagskvällen.

Jobbat på öppet hus, pratade om APL, Sara om Business trip. Och lite allmänt. Därefter åkte jag in till centrum och förbi Jernet. Handlade lite och åkte hem. Sprang 2km och lite vadträning. Nu har jag kollat på reprisen av sihs och ska se de två sista avsnitten i supernatural, därefter är det kväll för mig!

Imorgon är det träning och plugg på schemat. På måndag börjar ledarskapsveckan. Bara tre veckor kvar sedan JUUL!!



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